Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coakley 'croaks' as Republican Scott Brown streaks to Victory!

Republican Scott Brown Wins BIG in Massachusetts!

Like the shot heard round the world,* and once again from the cradle of Liberty....today, Americans fired a 'vote' that will, like that shot of old, be heard round the world.
Today Americans started a Revolution that this time will not be won at Concord or Bunker Hill, but will be won at the ballot box.

Voters today in Massachusetts started 'for real' the taking back of America! It wasn't this party against that party; it was the coming together of Americans who used their precious vote to make it clear they are fed up. In just a short few months, 'change' that was touted during campaigns turned out to be NOT change for the better, but change for the worse!

Voters today issued a referendum on the current direction our country is being dragged. Voters stated loud and clear they do not like, nor want, government takeover of every facet of their life; no government intrusion into their personal medical problems - government deciding if and when medications and treatment can be administered; their hard earned tax dollars being used for bribes and sweetheart deals for the 'buddies' and 'privileged few'; massive trillions of dollars of debt that will be impossible to pay; debt and creeping socialist policies that will stifle business, deteriorate the fabric of society and the way of life for hard working Americans; crippling tax increases that will prevent Americans from being able to adequately provide for their families and their futures. Today, voters said NO...this is NOT the American way!

Massachusetts has fired the first 'shot' in the battle that will bring Americans out in droves across our Nation to join the battle this November and next. Other Americans will use their vote to echo Massachusetts in that we will not allow our blood bought liberties, our freedoms, our way of life to be taken away by those who have become greedy with power, arrogant, self-serving, turning a deaf ear to the electorate they swore an oath to represent!

Follow Massachusetts America! They have just reminded us.......It IS government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

gjw aka Grapevine

*Opening stanza of Ralph Waldo Emerson's 'Concord Hymn', written 1837, and came to refer to the beginning of the American Revolution!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Global Warming ~ Global Freezing! HOAX!

Jan. 10, 2010

To the Editor:

The past few days here in Oklahoma has felt like sitting on a glacier edge on the north side of Nome. Not to mention the Christmas eve blizzard. Citizens of the US have been told that ‘global warming’ is their fault. We are told that we need to quit using freon, hair dryers, combustible engines, letting cows fart, and 1000's of other products and resources. We need to change our habits, our activities, and our life styles, to stave off global warming and it’s catastrophic effects!

Now, I need these same ‘greenies’, the environmental ‘experts’, to tell me/us what to do to stave off this ‘global freezing’. If we can influence global warming, obviously we can do something about the freezing too!

Appears the 'experts' need to start with Alaska and Canada as that seems to be where this frigid air is originating! Those areas must be using products and living lifestyles that are horribly wrong!

I need answers asap as I am almost out of gas, wood, coal, and other heat producing products needed to keep me from freezing to death!
Oh, btw…all those items are on the government’s hit list too!

gjw aka Grapevine
printed w/slight editing - Oklahoman Jan. 13.


Rolling Stone lived up to its liberal reputation in the current issue, which features a cover story on global warming titled "You Idiots!" and names Senator Jim Inhofe as one of the "planet's worst enemies.''

Inhofe's response: "My first response was I should have been No. 1, not No. 7," said Inhofe, the most vocal global-warming skeptic in Congress who has generated worldwide news coverage of his views. "I am serious about that. I have spent now literally years on this thing, and it has been a long, involved thing.''

Although the magazine did not actually rank its "Climate Killers" by number, it does appear Warren Buffett, the legendary investor from Nebraska who is one of the richest people in the nation, took the top spot.

PLUS - Don't miss syndicated columnist Walter Williams latest article: 'Global Warming is a Religion'.Read at: www.townhall.com

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Charisma NO Match for Fear! America Weak!

America hasn't been this weak since the Carter years. President Obama's freshman-year foreign policy was the worst in living memory. At the dawn of 2010, the United States finds itself noticeably weaker in international affairs than it was when Mr. Obama took office, and there are no signs of improvement in the year ahead.

Mr. Obama was elected with almost no national security experience, but he counted on two principle sources of leverage on the world stage: his personal charisma and the fact that he was not George W. Bush.

The year began with much swagger and self-assurance, but the result was a foreign policy with the naive enthusiasm of someone who once may have taken a graduate seminar in international relations...

The world is a tough neighborhood. Mr. Bush was not loved, but he was feared, which Machiavelli advises is a more durable position. Mr. Obama has sought only to be loved, but in the process has disappointed America's allies and encouraged our adversaries.

The world has the measure of the man in the White House, and he doesn't measure up to the task at hand. Unless he shows a stronger hand, Mr. Obama will continue to increasingly follow global events rather than lead them.

-Editorial, The Washington Times via ElephantPride

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ENOUGH! 5% Increase needs to be Re-VOTED!

Citizens want to VOTE.....again!

Oklahoma property owners are running out of money and becoming increasingly irked at an unfair annual 5% property tax increase. Talk among voters is escalating and support is forming to pursue an initiative petition to repeal or roll-back the law if the Legislature refuses to address the problem.

The bill (State Question 676) - written by and for, the school establishment - was not well understood when citizens voted on it in 1996. Because the people voted for this, people will have to vote again to make changes.

While the bill was intended to have 5% as a 'cap', most counties now use it as 'mandate' to make the 5% increase in your property tax bill each year. Counties were also encouraged by an opinion from the AG's office.
(Have you noticed, when it's an AG opinion the money-takers like, they use it...if they don't like, it's out! It is after all....just an opinion - no weight of law!)
Another 'problem' with this current law is that not all counties administer the bill the same!

In Oklahoma’s two largest counties, property taxes are up over 35% in just five years. "This (property tax) is the fastest-growing tax in the state," said State Representative Russ Roach, (D- Tulsa). Roach said the law is intended to allow growth counties to raise property taxes up to 5 percent a year instead of a mandated 5 percent. "What was intended to be a tax increase ceiling has instead become an annual tax increase floor," Roach said.

Contact YOUR Legislator to see where they stand on this annual tax INCREASE and tell them you want to VOTE....again! The Legislature CAN put this on ballot for the people to vote! The Govs signature NOT required!
Even with budget 'shortfall'....NEVER a wrong time to do the right thing!

btw....we want to vote on relief for ALL properties - just like original SQ - not just homestead!