Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Being Misled? Duh!

Suggestion of the week...from a 'newsletter' the Grapevine receives, thanks 'CM':

This past week, Representative Jabar Shumate (D-Tulsa) announced he could introduce legislation to penalize petition circulators who misrepresent the content of a petition, thus seducing some poor victim into signing the petition.
Right on Jabar, you want those brilliant light bulbs known as John Q Public, many of whom can't even fill out their information correctly, to testify that a circulator misled them?
I have an idea, why doesn't Jabar author legislation penalizing politicians running for office who mislead the voters when they are asking them for their votes? Talk about the need for clarity and honesty, start with people such as yourself Jabar.

Hear! Hear!

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