Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Stirring the Fried Rice!

According to Democrat Fact Check and posted by McCarville, the man who wants to take US Sen. Jim Inhofes place had this to say in his candidacy announcement on Wednesday:

That's right. The freshman Democrat state senator who aspires to the U. S. Senate declared today that Al-Qaeda has never been in Iraq. That statement is at odds with assessments by intelligence agencies in England, the United States and other nations.

From CNN: Laying out its ideology in a broad manifesto, the group al Qaeda in Iraq -- which has been behind many of the worst attacks, beheading and kidnappings in Iraq -- says the insurgency is in better shape than the United States acknowledges and vows to continue the insurgency and "destroy the American empire." Red Oklahoma has the details, plus video of Senator Andrew Rice's assertion.

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