The Grapevine would encourage you to visit C-SPAN where you can see/hear an audio/video of former Speaker Newt Gingrich's speech Tuesday, Aug. 7, at the National Press Club, Wash. DC. We heard part of it 'live' but every American should hear what Newt has to say. Love him or hate him, he knows what's going on and he made no bones about it "we are in trouble". Take a few minutes to listen and find out why? Great talk! <> click on Newt Gingrich - "Solutions for Winning the Future."
If these next two stories don't get YOU off your sofa to attend a meeting, contribute to a candidate, volunteer to work a campaign, AND VOTE in November 2008 ..........NOTHING WILL!
Republican pollster Pat McFerron of Oklahoma's "Sooner Survey" is quoted as saying Democrat Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. (ed: wash his mouth out with soap) McFerron's comments came during a "Political Junkies" luncheon in Oklahoma City. He is quoted as saying Oklahoma might be Clinton's worst state and she won't carry it. He also said that Republicans aren't satisfied with their present slate of candidates and that former U. S. Senator Fred Thompson is the wild card in the GOP race. Thompson is expected to announce as a candidate soon.
"Democratic presidential candidates will descend on Chicago August 7 for a union-hosted event. It's billed as a debate, but it will be little more than an auction to see which politician can be the first to sell out workers' rights and basic economic principles. One union boss bragged to The New York Times on July 31 that the Democratic candidates are Big Labor's 'field of dreams.' That's why union leaders say in 2008 they will break every political donation record ever set -- so they can elect a compliant president."- Center for Union Facts
Speaking of Presidential candidates, former Governor of MA and Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will visit Oklahoma on August 14. Romney will appear at what is being called a "Ask Mitt Anything" gathering beginning at noon at the David Boren Student Union on the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center campus. (NE 10th and Stonewall - OKC). The event is *free* and open to the public. For info call Julie at : (857) 288-6676.
"By the way, the ethics and lobbying bill eliminates $200 lunches but permits $27 million earmarks and even more. It just gets rid of so-called influence from lobbyists, but it's a sham, and it was 411-8."
- Rush Limbaugh
"Instead of draining the swamp, this bill gives the alligators new rights. This bill is a landmark betrayal."
- Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, on passage of the ethics bill which fails to clamp down on earmarks
"This bill is a charade meant to give cover to politicians who want to continue secret earmarks. Sadly, more members are worried about having a good sound-bite for their next election than they are about doing what's right and being honest with America. This was about incumbency protection and pretending to do something."- Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican, on passage of the above-referenced ethics bill
"In 1991, the five-year highway cost was $151 billion. By 1998 it was up to $217 billion, and in 2005 a Republican Congress agreed to spend $286 billion and would have spent far more had President Bush not threatened a veto. . . . And you will not be surprised to learn that along with greater highway spending came more Congressional earmarks. What the Members giveth, they also taketh for themselves. In the 1981 highway bill, there were all of 10 earmarks. A decade later there were 1,850, and by 2005 the earmarks had multiplied to 6,371, or nearly 10% of total spending."
- Wall Street Journal, 8/4/07
The General Services Administration estimates agencies spend $11 billion to $13 billion a year on business trips, but lacks the ability to say exactly where the money goes." (ed: YOUR tax dollars folks)
Federal Times, 8/6/07
We hope you will take a minute to check out the new Grapevine blog. This new blog will not only archive 'thru the Grapevine' news, it will provide links to several great news sources and have lots more not-readily-available-anywhere-else-news.
And..... co-host Steve Fair has a new blog for his Fair and Biased. Don't miss these great new blogs....up, running, and expanding!
<> currently posted - the latest on the Gary Jones Trailer theft. (excerpt: "This may have all started as a political prank, but when the trailer was altered it definitely crossed the line into being a crime." Robert Mitchell, assistant DA in Pottawatomie County
And visit <> for great news items/articles. Currently - "Thanks For Being Honest", major differences between the Democrat Party and Republican Party! Informative and may surprise you!
(excerpt: "If you want some good liberal reading, pick up a copy of the Oklahoma Democratic Party platform. One good thing about the 2007 Oklahoma Democratic Party platform. It honestly states what they believe. For years, Oklahoma Dems have dipped and ducked from the national platform. But in 2007, they have at last stepped up to the plate and clearly stated they are out of touch with the average Oklahoman. Thanks to the Oklahoma Democratic Party for being honest.")
To receive thru the Grapevine news directly to your email box, make request at
Oklahoma is celebrating its Centennial birthday, Lawton celebrating its 106th, numerous other cities and towns across Oklahoma are celebrating birthdays! Guess who/what else is celebrating a birthday this year? Its....SPAM
SPAM is 70 years old this year. (some say.... it tastes like it) A contest, won by Kenneth Daigneau in 1937, forever changed the name from Hormel Spiced Ham to SPAM. Daigneau received $100 for his effort, never even dreaming it would some day also be the name of unwanted email! In honor of the products birthday, Hormel unveiled a new web site <> which will tell you more than you want to know about the canned 'meat'. And for even more SPAM in your life, visit Hormels museum in Austin, MN. Yes, the Grapevine tried SPAM once upon a time. Not too bad!
Lawton's birthday celebration continues with the Lawton Rangers 69th Annual Rodeo kicking off Wednesday evening, Aug. 8, and continuing through Saturday with events nightly beginning with Grand Entry at 7:30pm. A PRCA ProRodeo, also features Oklahoma's Centennial Riding Club. At the L.O. Ranch arena, east of town, 2004 SE 60th, 1/2 mile south of TV station off highway 7.
The 76th American Indian Expo started on Monday and goes through this Saturday in Anadarko. Events daily with parade at 10:00am next Saturday morning.
August may be one of the best months ever to look up into the sky!! August is expected to present a unique combination of shooting stars, a total lunar eclipse (Aug. 28), meteor showers - peaking on Aug. 12 and 13th with between 1:00am - 5:00am on Aug. 13th considered prime time, and other heavenly highlights not seen again in this decade. For more information check sites <> And another great site, thanks to 'JI' for sending this along:
"If it be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws---the first growing out of the last... A sacred respect for the constitutional law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free government." -Alexander Hamilton
Has Al Gore taken too many tokes
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